Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

May 26, 2009

Puddle Jumping

I've mentioned it before, but now I have the proof -
Nakiah loves jumping in puddles!! The bigger the better, she loves the splash!
After work one afternoon, I met my mom, dad and Nakiah in the Park. After playing on the toys for a while, Nakiah spotted a puddle. Initially I kept her out of it, but then thought, why not. She's only this young once and what is it going to hurt?
So I let her go for it!
And go for it she did! She was stomping and jumping, running back and forth, doing whatever she could to make that water jump! She eventually realized that if she looked close enough, she could see her reflection. The first time she leaned over to see "Diah" I knew where it was leading..... The first time was an accident and she didn't know what to think. The fourth, fifth and sixth times she fell, not so much accidental.
She had a blast!!
And even though we expected her to be frozen through and through, when it was time to go home, she was hiding from Auma!