Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

November 6, 2009

Still growing like weeds!

Nakiah - 22 Months
Kicen - 1 Day
Nakiah - 23 Months
Kicen - 1 Month Nakiah - 2 Years Kicen - 2 Months
Nakiah - 2 years 1 Month
Kicen - 3 Months
I can't believe how quickly time is going by! My baby boy is already 3 months old!! He has officially rolled over, first from his belly to his back and on Halloween he rolled from his back to his belly. He doesn't mind tummy time and he holds his head up like a pro! He is growing so much, I can't wait to see his length and weight at his next check up. He is already wearing 6 months clothes and size 3 diapers!!! Kicen LOVES to chew on his hands, he drools all the time and is in the process of cutting his first tooth.
He loves to play with toys and he talks to whatever you put in front of him. He is extremely ticklish pretty much all over his body and he laughs hardest when he is tired. He's getting into a pretty nice routine and didn't have much trouble straightening out his days and nights. I just can't say it enough - he is a great baby! He is relaxed and easy going. He rarely fusses and I can seriously count the number of times he has truly cried on one hand. He always has a smile for his sister and loves to watch her play. He doesn't like to be tired and yet is beginning to fight sleep a bit. He likes to bury his head into whatever, or whoever, he is laying on when he is trying to fall asleep and cat naps are quite sufficient for him. I think he's afraid he'll miss something. He loves to hear his Mommy talk to him and gets excited when he sees me. I love to snuggle him and quiet time with just the two of us is something I will cherish forever. He really has no choice but to be a mamma's boy. He is so much more than I could ever have asked for and I'll be smothering him for the rest of my life!
Nakiah continues to amaze me with how quickly she is picking up on things. She uses new words every day and most of the time I have no idea where she even heard them in the first place. Yesterday I gave her a drink of water out of my water bottle and she said "yum mom, delicious" It cracked me up! She is copying things she sees and hears so much and is becoming quite the sponge. (Auda is enjoying this very much!!) She watched a cartoon about feelings and now tells me "I'm mad" and "not fair"...actually more often than I would like. But, I guess, at least she's learning about how she feels.
Nakiah and I are still doing our gymnastics and loving it! Nakiah thinks its a crazy fun play time and I love watching her learn new things. She is fascinated by the tricks the older kids can do on some of the equipment and desperately wants to play with them. She has become obsessed with monsters and is convinced that a monster lurks around every corner, behind every wall and on the other side of every door. She is becoming afraid of the dark, the wind (especially at night) and any loud noise that isn't familiar to her. Even at home, if its dark outside, she does not like me out of her sight. I secretly love that she needs me and one of my favorite things is Nakiah saying "need you mom". I cherish everyone one of those I hear because I'm sure my little miss "I do it" won't be saying that for too long. She is compassion, empathy, attitude, stubbornness, humor and energy all wrapped up with a dirty pink ribbon and she puts a smile on my face every single day!