Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

February 9, 2009

Brusha Brusha Brush!

Nakiah recently got on a huge teeth brushing kick. She NEEDS to do it all the time. She just got over a double ear infection and in order to get her to take her medicine, we bribed her with brushing her teeth.
As soon as I would tell her that she could brush her teeth after her medicine, she would walk to the fridge and open her mouth like a little bird She pulls her little potty (which doubles as a stool) up to the sink and signs "please" and says "teeth" until she gets her toothbrush. The water must be on and she desperately needs toothpaste. For the most part, when someone else isn't involved, her brushing of teeth consists of running the toothbrush under the water, sucking the water off the bristles and biting the bristles to make sure all the good stuff is off. (her toothpaste is apple berry flavor)

Hopefully she's always this into hygiene!!