Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

August 15, 2008

11 Months Down....1 To Go!

Time has seriously flown by!!
I can't believe my baby is going to be a year old in less than a month. Its all happened so quickly. Every new day brings new excitement and new adventures. It really is a blessing being Nakiah's mom.
I thank God for her every day!
Playing with Papa
How cool is she?! I could kiss this face all day long When Nakiah sees a flower/wants a flower/hears the word flower/etc. she scrunches up her nose and sniffs in and out. In this picture, she's staring at GG's flowers making her sniffing sound. Swinging with Papa and GG Loves for GG Brushing her teeth in Daddy's chair When Nakiah finds this hat, she holds it up to me and says "on". Once I put it on her, she waits for me to praise her and tell her how cute she is. Then she smiles real big and we clap for her.Her future is just that bright! My silly girl Perfection Birthday kisses for daddy Happy 31 No loves for mom....denied She finds entertainment in EVERYTHING Playing of her FAVORITE games Its not good enough out of her sippy cup, it has to be the big people bottle Nakiah never ceases to amaze me. She's changing so much all the time. She's talking all the time, mostly in her own gibberish, but she does say "mama", "dada", "baby", "bye-bye" "on" and "here kitty kitty". Baby, bye-bye and bottle all pretty much sound the same, and some of her other words aren't quite there all the way, but she certainly knows what she is saying. She understands "go bye-bye", "outside", "splash", "bite" and so much more. She's starting to get her courage up and is starting to take more and more steps, mostly when she isn't thinking about it. If she's aware of what she is doing, she gets a little too nervous to let go of our hands. I just have to remind myself not too rush things. It goes by so fast as it is. Besides, when she really is running around all over the place, I'm sure I will miss the days of crawling.