Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

October 11, 2009


Nakiah is 2 and I can't believe how fast it has gone. It doesn't seem that long ago that my little girl was just a baby, puking all over everyone and everything. She's grown up so much and is becoming quite the character. She has a great sense of humor and if she sees you laugh at something she's done or said, she'll keep repeating it just to get a reaction. She has a memory that blows me away sometimes and she picks up on things so fast. We have arrived at the point at which its very important to watch what you say and do....we've got a little copy cat on our hands. She is still very much a sweet, lovable little girl and still very much full of energy. She certainly keeps us on our toes. She loves her brother and still smothers him most of the time....but I'm pretty sure I taught her that by smothering her so much. :-)
At Nakiah's 2 year check up she weighed in at 35 pounds and was 36 inches tall....she's my big girl, still in the 95%+ for both categories. I'm still shocked by her height!! Her vocabulary has expanded so much in the last couple of months. I'm not sure if its her age, or because Kicen was born or a bit of both, but she certainly has grown up quite a bit...I'm having actual full sentence conversations with her and even having to explain myself. When she asks for something and I tell her no, she'll say "Oh sure mom" and do it any way. She thinks that saying please automatically gets her whatever she wants. If I ask her to clean up her toys her response is most often "mommy clean up too". I'll tell her "mommy didn't make the mess" and she tells me "oh sure mom". She continues to use please and thank you all the time, for which I am very grateful!! She has recently become afraid of the dark and will tell me "monster in there" if a room in the house is dark. When I ask her about the monster she usually says its a boy, that its blue and its name is either "Bomma" or "Miah"....I'm really not sure why.
Nakiah tells us she loves us all the time and is constantly giving hugs and kisses, she'll wrap her arms around Kicen and whoever is holding him and say "I love you boys". Her favorite thing, however, is to have two people kissing her on each of her cheeks at the same time. She is absolutely in love with her Auma and Auda and asks to go to Auma's house every day that I'm home with her. Last Friday I came home from my half day at work. Nakiah was excited to see me and snuggled up on the couch with me. She started rubbing my arm and said "Mommy here". I told her that Mommy was going to spend the rest of the day with her and brother and she said "Auma's house". Most days she asks about Auda and if she's talking to Auma on the phone the first thing she asks for is Auda.
Nakiah knows all her colors and most of her shapes. She's learning her ABCs and can count to 10, although she's still missing 4-9 without some help. :-) She loves to color, but once a page has been marked on, its over and she needs a clean page. She will not color on a page that has writing on it, even if there are no clean pages left. She absolutely loves her Nick Jr. cartoons and has memorized most of her favorites. She tells us what is going to happen before the scene has even started....gotta love DVR.
She is very much beginning to show her likes and dislikes. She loves to pick out her own...anything, whether it be food, drink, cup, shoes, vitamin or anything in between. She likes to make the decisions. She hates to try on clothes and does not like to be fussed with. She'll let me fix her hair but when she's done, she's done. She likes to brush her own teeth and will only let me brush hers if she gets to brush mine at the same time. When I tell her that we're going somewhere, she wants to go right now!! It doesn't matter if she has shoes on or if she just rolled out of bed. I've really had to make a point to wait for the last minute before telling her we're going somewhere. She definitely likes to be on the go...she'd "go to the store" every day if she could.
Its so exciting watching my little girl grow up.