Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

January 28, 2009

Poster Child for Cuteness!!

Nakiah is rounding the corner and closing in on a year and a half and I can't believe how quickly time has flown by. She is talking up a storm all day long, sometimes she just sits and jabbers away while she plays, which is weird considering that as an infant she never cooed or jabbered, just grunted and growled. She is getting really good at names and will often walk around the house asking for Auma, Auda, Boog and Dani. She is totally obsessed with Caillou, which isn't mommy and daddy's favorite but we put up with it just to watch her laugh and smile at the cartoon. She gets excited and runs around on her tiptoes which makes us all laugh. She will spin around in circles until she gets dizzy and loves it when you notice. Her favorite friend right now is the cat and Nakiah will follow that thing all over the place. When anyone walks through our door, Nakiah tells them to "sshhhh" and walks them over to look at the cat sleeping. She also likes to lay with the kitty while she eats, roughs up her fur when she is napping, pulls her tail when she is bathing and copies her every chance she gets. I'm amazed at how quickly Nakiah is picking up on EVERYTHING. She is proving to be quite the sponge. She knows so many animal names and the sounds they make. I love playing that game with her just because it amazes me so much. I think she is a baby genius! Nakiah has started making sounds when she gives hugs and kisses. She'll wrap her arms around you real tight and grunt as she hugs you. When you're really lucky she'll put her lips on yours and say "mmmmmuuhh" which is, for Nakiah, a great big kiss. When she wants to tell you that she loves you she'll point to your eyes and say "I" after you repeat what she said, she'll point to her chest and wait for you to say "love" then she points back to you. After she has said it to you, she'll sign "please" and she wants you to say it back to her.
I wish I could freeze time!
Nakiah in the balls at Jungle Playland - Her new favorite place!!
Cleaning out Daddy's ears Sucking the juice out of the pickle Her first piece of sushi - Mommy's Girl!
Filling Auma's Shoes
Cereal is good to the last drop, just ask her...
She loves her kitty so much, she is trying to give her a blanket
You can't tell, but Nakiah is licking the back of her hand like the kitty is doing as she cleans herself
First time at Chuck E. Cheese - A bit overwhelmed
She loves to go.....ANYWHERE!
Playing with the kitty in the snow
She loves her shades
She's also really big on her cape right now, after bath time, if I don't leave the towel on her head she will sign please and help until I put it back on
How could anyone resist this face?
Auma and Auda can't!!!!

I can't believe how much Nakiah is changing every day. She is quickly turning into my big girl and I have to admit while its all so very exciting and fun, its also hard to let go of my tiny baby. As it turns out, she is much more ready for this than I am, which I'm sure will be a reoccurring theme throughout the years. :) It will be an adventure, I'm sure. My sweet baby is proving to be a sweet, yet extremely independent and stubborn toddler. We'll butt heads a few times, of that I am positive, but life with my precious girl will never be boring and I couldn't be more thankful!


Tonya Doman said...

Your words made me tear up. I too feel like all of this is just happening too quickly and want to just freeze time. The love you have for them is just incredible, isn't it?

Love the picture of her running around with the cape....her leg rolls are soooo cute!