I thought I'd do a quick update for those of you who have been expecting pictures of a new arrival. So, after my doc tells me that he has a strong feeling that we could be having a baby over the weekend, almost 2 weeks ago, I'm still pregnant!! ....and not very happy about it either! I now know that doc was trying to ease the mind of an extremely "over being pregnant in this heat" woman. My last appointment, which was Thursday the 16th, doc tells me he expects me to go into the next week, great. I tried to be positive and be thankful that at least the baby is full term and healthy and I'm not on the other side of the coin praying that the baby doesn't come too early. At the same time part of me is convinced this kid is never coming out! Thats impossible, you may say....its quite possible in the mind of a woman who is 9+ months pregnant in 120 degree weather, still working 12+ hour days. Right, I know...my own fault but I'm so not in the mood to take responsibility for that! To the point - Saturday, after working literally all day, on my feet, outside in the heat I came home and began having contractions around 7:30ish pm. My mom, of course, begins timing the contractions. And by timing contractions I mean writing down the exact minute that I felt any twinge (I was under very strict orders to report all out of the ordinary feelings), recording where that feeling originated (ie. belly, back, etc) and of course the time between each contraction. Contractions began about 7 minutes apart, give or take a minute here and there and over the course of 4 hours got to about 4 to 5 minutes apart, again- give or take a minute here or there. My mom was convinced that we should be heading to the hospital, however, Corey was at work until around 10:30pm and I wasn't quite sure if I was even in labor or not. When I had Nakiah everything I felt was in my back. I don't remember ever feeling pain anywhere except my back and I certainly don't remember the sensation of my belly getting tight...so this was quite foreign to me. The contractions were uncomfortable, but in comparison to what I remember labor being like, I would have given the pain a 2, maybe 3 at certain points. So I didn't see any point of going to the hospital at that time, not to mention I didn't want to walk into the ER as the girl who "thought" she "might" be in labor. After the first kid, shouldn't I know what is going on? Eventually I laid down to get some rest, just in case. After waking a few times and apparently sleeping through multiple contractions, things seemed to slow down. The contractions were coming farther and farther apart until they seemed almost non existent. A disappointment to say the least. Everyone was pretty bummed, however, nobody was more bummed than me! Mom came to the house today with every intention of "convincing" me to go to the hospital. She wasn't comfortable with the fact that I was, what she considers "in labor" last night and then it just stopped. Mom alone I could have defeated....she rallied the troops and the Aunts joined the cause. Long story short, I let her take me to the maternity ward at the hospital. They hooked me up to the usual monitors: Mom heart/blood pressure/etc.; Baby heart/fetal activity/etc. They had me drink some juice to get the baby moving and within 20 minutes assured us (my mom) that everything was fine and that "early labor" as the nurse called it, is actually quite common and some women even experience it for 2 months before they actually give birth and it is therefore, not an indicator that actual labor is around the corner. Great! Thanks! See you next week.... ???? I've got a 41 week check up with my actual doc tomorrow morning. And while I respect his "if a woman's cervix was meant to be examined it would be on her elbow" philosophy, I really think its time to put the gloves on and set that idea aside. I need some information!
4 days ago
Ugh! How frustrating! I hope you have this baby soon, I can only imagine how uncomfortable you must be! If you need some AC this week you could come over to my house for a play date! :) Hope you get good news at the doctor!
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