Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

January 19, 2009

O'Neil / Pitman Christmas

After Christmas morning with my family, we headed up to Corey's parents' house and had Christmas brunch with the O'Neils/Pitmans. Nakiah loves playing with her cousins and Jackie always makes such a fabulous meal, we had a wonderful time with the family!!
-The Grandkids, A.J, Anna, Nakiah and Austin-
-Anna got a jump rope for Christmas from Nakiah, but it turns out, it works better as a leash :)-
*if you look close, you can see a HUGE grin on Nakiah's face*
-Every time Anna dropped the rope to play with something else, Nakiah would pick it up and follow Anna around trying to give it back to her. She'd keep saying "Anna, Anna, Anna" until Anna would play with her again- -Nakiah loves Anna so much, she calls all little girls Anna!-
-The Family-
-Playing Hopscotch on Anna's new mat-
-Playing her new drum from Gammy and Grampy-
-My Christmas Princess-
-She doesn't look a thing like him, does she?-
*Can the next baby please just resemble me?????*
-Anna opening her Hopscotch mat-
-Austin opening the goods-
-AJ hiding the prize-
-Anna was so patient waiting for Nakiah to decide how to tackle the task at hand-
-She was so particular about the tags and the bows-

-We had a great time the the O'Neil/Pitman family. As always, Santa did a little more spoiling than he should have ;)! Thanks for hosting such a great morning Jackie and Jerry!-